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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Interview with Alyssa

Here is a survey sent in from one of our favorite customers. She lives in Pennsylvania! Here is what she wanted to ask Alyssa. Feel free to send us any questions!! Hi Alyssa, just some quick questions for you: 1. What is your favorite squishy? My favorite would have to be the dolphin. 2. Which state do you sell the most squishies to? Probably Ohio or California 3. How many squishies do you have of your own.... and how many squishies for your store? I have a lot all over the house. For the store we have big boxes of squishies all over! 4. How many customers do you get in a day? About 20 or more customers per day (on average) 5. Do kids at school treat you like a celebrity (because you have a website)? Yeah.... Thanks for your time, Alyssa!! Alyssa Says Squishies Rule!