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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Check out our Friend Bella's Kids Cooking Blog!

Bella Bits Blog
With kid-friendly recipes and tips, I want to inspire other kids to cook and their parents to join in on the fun. I plan to explore cooking and life in general, blogging all the way!

Here is just one of her great recipes to check out:
Tonight, after swimming, my mom wanted us to make a healthy dessert. She suggested baked apples, which we have never tried before. We made them with diet cherry dr.pepper, and they were quick and delicious

Easy Recipe for 2 apples:.

1. Remove 3/4 of the apple core (leaving bottom in tact so the fillings stay in the apple) and all seeds, using apple corer.

2. Fill the apple with Diet D. Pepper, top with a sprinkle of brown sugar and cinnamon, and a dab of butter..

3.stick it in the microwave for up to3 min.

Now you have a nice healthy dessert and this is also good for a yummy afternoon snack.